
How Stillwater Helps You Overcome Virtual Recruitment Challenges

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Stillwater Admin

While virtual recruitment might not be a new application for talent acquisition, the current global climate dictates that virtual is nearly the only way to efficiently conduct business. Of the companies who took on virtual recruitment options to keep their companies growing throughout the recent pandemic, nearly all of them admitted they were met with multiple barriers and challenges that have changed the way they do business. We’re used to partnering with our clients on unique recruiting challenges, and when COVID made meeting candidates in person nearly impossible we never stopped pushing to overcome barriers to traditional recruiting methods. 

Challenge: Determining culture fit.

When we interview a candidate in person we have the benefit of team introductions, office tours, and personal interaction - but using video technology to interview and hire can make it difficult to gauge a person’s ability to fit into the company culture. 

This is a challenge we are used to overcoming at Stillwater. Because we don’t always have the benefit of interviewing on the premises, we know how to ask questions that go beyond a simple job description. Our tip? Make sure to involve your team when setting up a talent interview - ask them what questions they’d like to hear the candidate answer. Then get to know the candidate outside of just what they do on the job - and conversely, let your applicant know about what drives your company and the corporate culture in the office. 

Challenge: Lack of communication between recruiters and hiring managers.

All too often, we hear about a breakdown of communication between off-site recruiters and the hiring managers who sit on-site at a work location. The lack of communication or miscommunication between recruiters and those who will train and work with the talent day-to-day causes frustration for both employees and employers - and could result in high rates of turnover. 

So how do you ensure consistent communications between hiring managers and recruiters? Make sure you don’t make up answers, auto-fill the blanks, assume anything, or mislead either party. Hiring the right fit is more than just filling an empty seat - finding the right candidate actually saves an organization time and money while improving retention rates. 

Challenge: Overabundance of unqualified candidates.

The nature of the internet of things (IoT) is the ease of the application process and the widespread use of the copy-and-paste feature. Unfortunately, this leads to a plethora of unqualified candidates dropping their application into the pool. While this leads to a variety of talent to choose from, it compromises the quality of both skills and personality. Sifting through applications can take both recruiters and hiring managers away from their primary jobs and significantly slow down the hiring process.To avoid this, make sure that you’re painting your company in the best light possible. Make yourselves stand out from the competition by listing benefits (especially the non-traditional ones!), outlining the fun things about your corporate culture, and letting candidates know how you take care of your employees once they’re onboard. 

Then ensure your job description is as descriptive and specific as possible. This will allow recruiters to serve as a first line of defense, easily weeding out unqualified applicants before the hiring manager sees them. 

Stepping into a partnership with a talent acquisition agency when hiring needs surge shouldn’t be a hard decision. Just make sure that the partner you chose takes the time to get to know your company, your brand, and your unique needs. At Stillwater Human Capital, we take pride in integrating our team into our customers’ teams, protecting and promoting their brands and corporate cultures. We are Veteran operated, so overcoming challenges and rising to meet demands is in our blood. Whether you are looking for short-term contract fulfillment or long-term employees, we are here to help. Visit us online to learn more about our services and connect with us to plan your virtual recruitment hiring today. 

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